Loosen Up Your Right Hand
Play Faster And Smoother
Improve Your Timing, Tone, and Tremolo
Whether you play fiddle tunes, rags, bluegrass, classical, jazz, or Led Zeppelin, a well-organized right hand is essential to mandolin playing. Alternate picking, down-strokes, tremolo, and jig-picking are the most crucial techniques for the mandolin player to master. This workshop includes tunes and exercises designed to build right-hand strength and coordination.

The Tunes:
Will The Circle Be Unbroken
Going To California
Bluegrass Stomp
Mr. Natural
Swallowtail Jig
Lonesome Moonlight Waltz
What You Will Get:
Over TWELVE HOURS of (recorded) ZOOM classes
Guided practice videos
PDF with standard notation, tablature and chord diagrams.
Practice tracks
24/7 Lifetime access to course material
Don Julin, author of the best-selling "Mandolin For Dummies," has developed a reputation for being one of the most eclectic mandolin players/teachers on the scene today. Based in Traverse City, Michigan, Don has been playing, teaching, and writing music with the mandolin for over 35 years.
His workshops, classes, or private lessons feature a hands-on approach focusing on developing good left- and right-hand skills, along with a dose of ear training and music theory. Don spends much of his time teaching at mandolin camps around America and running the online mandolin school Mandolins Heal The World.

Essential Right-Hand Skills For Mandolin
An Online Mandolin Workshop with Don Julin
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